Monday, September 12, 2011

Slaughter house five (20-40) Kurt Vonnegut

The Second chapter is the start of the story. The book takes us through our main character Billy Pilgrim’s life. The narrator takes us through our protagonist’s depressing life. After the War he became rich, married, and had two children. Until this point his life seams quite happy. Then in 1968 on a flight to Montreal, his plane crashed, everyone died except him. In the crash he had some head bruising which made him go mad. After this he starts saying his made contact with aliens and how they teach him to time travel. His daughter now married has to take care o him because of the obsession his take on the alien civilization of Trafalmordians. Billy has consumed his life in search of writing a letter for the News Leader, the local paper. The News Leader published the first letter he wrote on the Trafalmordians. The book continues on to describing the odd soldier that Billy was, he was in an idiot. It seams Billy has created the illusion of the aliens in his mind to shelter from his real life.

This shelter he created relates to the film directed by Martins Scorsese called Shutter Island starring Leonardo DiCaprio. DiCaprio’s character, Teddy Daniels behaves similarly to Billy. Teddy Daniels goes mad when his wife drowns their children. He creates the idea that he is investigating the disappearance of a patient in a asylum. Initially Detective Daniels was investigating the asylum known as Shutter Island when he snapped. His mind then created the illusion that he was still investigating the asylum when he had actually become a patient. Both Daniels and Billy created an illusion to their conscious mind that they had a mission. Yet both of them knew deep down that they were insane.

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