Thursday, September 15, 2011

Revised Ethia Anthem

In here, where peace ...A
is like the air, …B
things are at ease. ...A

Like we all care ...B
for everyone else. ...C
Everything’s fair. ...B

Nothing is false, ...C
No-one’s at war. ...D
They drink their own mulse ...C

We all adore. ...D
Music’s our soul, ...E
It is like the core ...D

We all have a role. ...E
Everyone knows ...F
We live as a whole. ...E

Here the wind blows ...F
From east to west, ...G
Where the past froze. ...F

And we are all blessed...G
Like Heaven and Earth. ...H
We’re never that stressed ...G

Like this since our birth. ...H
Perfection is here. ...I
Ethia is worth. ...H

We all endear ...I
The future that comes. ...J
It’s all now so clear ...I

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