Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Response to Joaquim Etienne's Blog

My fellow classmate Joaquim Etienne wrote about a form of colonial mentality in his blog “Marlow the Rebel”. Joaquim raised a point that colonial mentality continues today as racism. I agree with Joaquim, racism is a strong form of oppression that can lead people into thinking they are inferior. The post reminded me of the Filipino colonial mentality interviews done by Mr Ferrebee. Colonial mentality is the new way “the great nations of Europe” exert dominance on small countries. By making poor countries such as the Philippines or Colombia believe that old European countries are still stronger, we (the poor countries) succumb to a virtual colonialism. Although Joaquim says “hey have reduced themselves to being monsters” almost as if these nations dislike becoming monsters it seams like these like nations love being the biggest around and are willing to becoming monsters be so. 

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